Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Birthday Gift

Last year around this time I sat back and reflected on my birthday that was quickly approaching so I began to wonder about how I wanted to celebrate another year of my life. A party came and left my mind as I flashed backed on all the previous ones I had, the club scene didn’t interest me anymore and the thought of a dinner turned me off because everyone was doing it. I wanted to do something special, something that wasn’t about me and focused on someone else even if it was my day. So I decided to give back. On the day of my birthday I invited others along with me to go downtown, reach out to the broken, feed them, speak to them about the Gospel and gifted those who accepted Christ with birthday bags that had little goodies in them. Birthday Bags? You might ask, but wasn’t it your birthday? .. I mean yea but 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here”. So you see, once you give your life to Christ and accept Him as your personal Savior, you automatically are reborn again so technically it was their birthday too J
This year I want to give back again so I’m raising money to send to the children in Islam who have been and are being affected by the ISIS group who are killing innocent people who don’t believe in their religion. It starts with us to make a difference in the world; we have to be the change that we want to see. So join along with me to put smiles on innocent faces by giving a donation. What do you want for your birthday? You might ask, I want to be selfless.

Name: Project9487
Goal: $1, 000

You can click the link below to donate! Lets Set The Goal by my birthday on September 4th! Im excited!!!!!